To clarify, Smart Carb #1 bread has been designed to be Low-Carb bread. The Julian Bakery has thousands of Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetic customers nationwide, like this one that eats our bread daily and get great results: (Click Here For Larger Version Of Graph)
Customers like this one can eat Smart Carb #1 bread with minimal glucose spike. Based on the information that we have currently, about 85% of our Diabetic customers can digest Smart Carb #1 with minimal or no sugar spike.
Our very first customer to submit results comes from Matt (Results Pictured Above), a customer of ours who works for DexCom, the leading blood glucose meter. Matt is a Type 1 Diabetic who wrote to us after measuring his blood glucose levels with a DexCom unit every 15 minutes after a 5-hour fast followed by eating 2 slices of Julian Bakery Smart Carb #1. We have assumed that a 4-5 hour fast is a typical time period between meals. Matt was not on any insulin medication during this time period. As seen in his results, Matt started with a BGL of 110 mg/dl, which is typical of a Diabetic after fasting. One hour after eating 2 slices of Smart Carb #1, Matt’s BGL peaked at 131 mg/dl. This is only an increase of 21 mg/dl, keeping Matt well within the parameters of ‘normal’ for a Type 1 Diabetic after eating.
According to the American Diabetes Association, goals for glucose control in people with diabetes are sugar levels of 70 to 130 mg/dL before meals, and less than 180 mg/dL after meals. Matt was so pleased with his results that he recommends our bread to other Diabetics as well as the Diabetic Doctors he knows. For those low carb diet customers we have also had amazing feedback from our customers like this one on Facebook from Lois Dyal, she writes "I tried Smart Carb # 1 on induction and still remained in ketosis and it did not hinder my progress at all. I love it I have a sandwich at least 4 days a week."
Stay tuned to the Julian Bakery blog to watch as we compile and announce this valuable blood glucose data from our customers!
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