Bible Recipe Bread is wheat free, yeast free and sweet free. It combines high protein and high fiber and is cultured and delicious.
It is also a good bread for dieters or anyone wanting to maintain good health.
It is made with fresh stone ground whole grain, Kamut®, millet, amaranth, oats, lentils, peas, onions and sea salt.
Whole Grains or foods made from them contain all essential parts and naturally occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed. If the grain has been processed (cracked, crushed, rolled, extruded, and/or cooked), the food product should deliver approximately the same rich balance of nutrients that are found in the original grain seed.
Kamut®, the Ancient Grain, is a relative of modern Durum Wheat. It can be substituted for common wheat, due to its superior taste and nutrition. Kamut® has a rich, buttery flavor and is higher in protein and many minerals (especially selenium, zinc, and magnesium) than other wheat products. It is easily digestible.
Millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains. As they are not closely related to wheat, they are appropriate for those with wheat intolerances. Millets are a major food source in arid and semi arid regions around the world.
Amaranth is related to the pigweed or lamb’s quarters. There is no solid difference between Amaranth grown for its leaves (vegetable) and the seeds (grain). Amaranth seeds contain protein that is unusually complex for plant sources. Several studies have shown that Amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those with cardio vascular disease and hypertension. Regular consumption may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving antioxidants.
Oat is a species of cereal grains. It is rolled or crushed into oatmeal or ground into fine oat flour. It is a health food, with cholesterol-lowering properties. It contains more soluble fiber than any other grain. Oat protein is nearly equivalent in quality to soy protein, which has been shown by the World Health Organization to be equal to meat, milk and egg protein.
You can’t go wrong no matter which Julian Bakery bread you choose to try first. There are so many breads, made with different combinations of wholesome, healthy and delicious ingredients that it is often hard to decide.
I just started with one and worked my way through all 17….you may as well start with a good health maintenance one like Bible Recipe Bread….and you will be hooked and anxious to see what each of the other Julian Bakery breads offer in the way of taste, texture and health benefits.
Enjoy, Samantha
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