Whether you love Tofu or not, whether you have ever tried Tofu or not, you will love Julian Bakery’s Tofu Bread.
This bread is cultured with a rye culture and almost all the liquid is organic tofu of the highest quality, which makes it extremely high in complete protein. It is wheat, yeast and sweet free and covered with sunflower seeds.
It is best when sliced ¼ inch thick with a sharp, serrated knife and toasted on the high setting, which brings out all the flavor.
Tofu Bread is made with Tofu, Kamut®, Rye, Millet, Amaranth, Miso, Sunflower Seeds and Sea Salt. Below is an explanation of the healthy, tasty ingredients.
Tofu is made from soybeans. It is high in protein and calcium and well known for its ability to absorb new flavors. Due to its chameleon-like qualities and nutritional value, tofu has recently become popular in Western vegetarian cooking.
Kamut®, the Ancient Grain, is a relative of modern Durum Wheat. It can be substituted for common wheat, due to its superior taste and nutrition. Kamut® has a rich, buttery flavor and is higher in protein and many minerals (especially selenium, zinc, and magnesium) than other wheat products. It is easily digestible.
Rye is a grass grown as a grain. It is closely related to barley and wheat. Rye is a cereal and should not be confused with ryegrass. Rye has lower gluten content than wheat flour and contains a higher proportion of soluble fiber.
Millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains. As they are not closely related to wheat, they are appropriate for those with wheat intolerances. Millets are a major food source in arid and semi arid regions around the world.
Amaranth is related to the pigweed or lamb’s quarters. There is no solid difference between Amaranth grown for its leaves (vegetable) and the seeds (grain). Amaranth seeds contain protein that is unusually complex for plant sources. Several studies have shown that Amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those with cardio vascular disease and hypertension. Regular consumption may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving antioxidants.
Miso is made from fermented soybeans. It is a thick, paste-like substance and is brownish in color. It tastes extremely salty and tangy on its own.
Sunflower Seeds come from the Sunflower. Since the seeds have very high oil content, they are one of the main sources of polyunsaturated oil. Sunflower Seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium and selenium.
It may take you some time to try all 17 of the breads offered by Julian Bakery on their website, JulianBakery.com, but it will be a fun experience. Be sure to put Tofu Bread on your list for a delightful taste surprise.
Enjoy, Samantha
Buy Online http://www.julianbakery.com