Question: Are the grains sprouted?
Answer: The grains are sprouted in three of our breads as noted on their labels –Smart Carb #1, Cinnamon Almond Raisin and Manna from Heaven.
Question: At what temperature are the breads baked?
Answer: They are baked at 350, but the internal temperature for the rounds is 225.
Question: What liquid is used in the Bean Bread? Is it dairy?
Answer: No dairy, only purified water and the ingredients listed on the label.
Question: Which of your breads is the lowest in calories?
Answer: Kamut Bread is lowest in calories and lowest in fat.
Question: What is the difference between the cultured breads and the ones specifically described as sourdough?
Answer: There is no difference.
Question: Do you use starch in any of your breads?
Answer: Starch would be in white flour. Our breads are not made with white flour.
Question: Can I freeze your breads?
Answer: Due to the perishability of our breads, they must be at least refrigerated upon arrival. They keep beautifully in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks and frozen for up to 6 months, without any loss of nutritional value.
Question: Is your sourdough rye bread leavened with lactobacillus?
Answer: There are many friendly floras in our culture that predigest the dough so it is bio-available to your body for easy digestion.
Question: I'm looking for a low carb bread that has seeds that are processed Do you have such breads?
Answer: Yes, Pure & Simple Kamut® and Spelt Multi-Grain.
I hoped this helped to answer some questions you might have had regarding Julian Bakery breads.
Enjoy, Samantha