Saturday, May 30, 2009

Julian Bakery Q&A Session


Question: Are the grains sprouted?

Answer: The grains are sprouted in three of our breads as noted on their labels –Smart Carb #1, Cinnamon Almond Raisin and Manna from Heaven.

Question: At what temperature are the breads baked?

Answer: They are baked at 350, but the internal temperature for the rounds is 225.

Question: What liquid is used in the Bean Bread? Is it dairy?

Answer: No dairy, only purified water and the ingredients listed on the label.

Question: Which of your breads is the lowest in calories?

Answer: Kamut Bread is lowest in calories and lowest in fat.

Question: What is the difference between the cultured breads and the ones specifically described as sourdough?

Answer: There is no difference.

Question: Do you use starch in any of your breads?

Answer: Starch would be in white flour. Our breads are not made with white flour.

Question: Can I freeze your breads?

Answer: Due to the perishability of our breads, they must be at least refrigerated upon arrival. They keep beautifully in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks and frozen for up to 6 months, without any loss of nutritional value.

Question: Is your sourdough rye bread leavened with lactobacillus?

Answer: There are many friendly floras in our culture that predigest the dough so it is bio-available to your body for easy digestion.

Question: I'm looking for a low carb bread that has seeds that are processed Do you have such breads?

Answer: Yes, Pure & Simple Kamut® and Spelt Multi-Grain.

I hoped this helped to answer some questions you might have had regarding Julian Bakery breads.

Enjoy, Samantha



Why is your colon important? Because it is where your body gets vitamins, minerals, salt, water and other vital nutrients.

When your colon is not working properly, it starts to wear on your body. When you have a compromised intake system, your body gets less vital nutrients.

Many of today’s problems start in the bowel. Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the world, and the second largest killer in the west.

When you eat processed, sugary and fatty foods, your colon is taxed to the limit. It has to work incredibly hard to remove all the toxins from these unhealthy foods. At some point, it cannot do it anymore. That is why we see so many colon problems.

There are many steps you can take to maintain a healthy colon. The most obvious is to implement a healthier, cleaner diet. At some point in your life you have to stop ingesting unhealthy foods.

Some suggestions to maintain a healthy colon:
• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Enemas
• Herbal Cleanse Programs
• Juice Fasting
• More Fiber
• More Fruits
• More Vegetables
• Take Probiotics
• Water Fasting

Suggestions for Foods for the Colon:
Breakfast: Lunch:
Bananas 5-10 Bananas
Oatmeal More Fruit (Orange, Kiwi, Grape, etc.)
Oranges Green Leaf Vegetables (Spinach, Romaine)
Water/Rice Milk/Oat Milk

Dinner: Late Night Snack:
Fish Rye Bread
Potatoes Homemade Hummus
Vegetables Bell Peppers

Remember the main ingredients – Fruits, Vegetables and Fiber!

Julian Bakery offers a number of high fiber breads from which to choose: Bean Bread, Bible Recipe, Cinnamon Almond Raisin, Manna from Heaven, Smart Carb #1 and Wonderful Bread. They also offer a true German/Russian, dense, wheat free rye – Real Sourdough Rye Bread –a one-of-a-kind bread for hearty rye lovers.

Enjoy, Samantha

Friday, May 29, 2009


Quality is the heart of the Julian Bakery. Great care is taken to select wholesome, chemical free grains, seeds and nuts for stone grinding and in conjunction with a slow culturing process to provide the consumer with the best benefits bread can offer, full of amino acids and complex carbohydrates.

Below is a brief description of each of the 17 Julian Bakery breads to help you decide which will tempt you first.

1. Corn Bread - Is a Gluten Free bread made from Organic corn.

2. 12-Grain Sandwich Bread is a delicious dark molasses sweetened bread that has more grains and seeds than you will find anywhere. It is a complete protein bread that makes incredible sandwiches. Men especially like this bread.

3. Apple-Cinnamon-Raisin Bread is a wonderful breakfast bread with lots of fresh apples, sweetened with honey and is fat free and delicious. This bread is like an incredible whole grain dessert for anytime you want to treat yourself. It is lower in calories than most treats for the calorie watchers.

4. Bean Bread is gluten free, sweetened with honey and yeast risen. It is very high in protein and fiber for those wanting to lose a few extra pounds or just wanting to maintain a healthy body.

5. Bible Recipe Bread is wheat, yeast and sweet free, combining high protein with high fiber, and is cultured and delicious. Also a good bread for dieters or anyone wanting to maintain good health.

6. Bless Your Heart Bread is extremely flavorful with added onion and coated in sesame seeds. It compliments any meal. It is wheat, yeast and sweet free. Slice thin and toast for greatest enjoyment. It is a complete protein bread and makes great mini pizzas sliced and baked in the oven with any creative topping.

7. Cinnamon Almond Raisin Bread (AKA Smart Carb #2) has lots of almonds and is sweet free and very high in fiber and protein. This has all the same ingredients as Smart Carb #1, with the addition of cinnamon and a lite amount of raisins and almonds. This makes a very yummy treat that nets 3 carbs.

8. Dinner Bread was designed to compliment any meal where onion and rosemary would be enjoyed. It is wheat, yeast and sweet free. This is a complete protein bread that is delicious with soups and salads. The Chia seeds on the outside are high-energy seeds that compliment the flavor of the bread. Great for dinner parties.

9. Kamut® Bread is wheat, yeast, sweet free. This bread is made for those who want a very small amount of easy to digest ingredients. It is extremely high in protein.

10. Mama Bear Bread is our most nurturing bread (if you can have sweetening). It is wheat free and very delicious. It makes great round sandwiches.

11. Manna from Heaven Bread is all sprouted, wheat, yeast and sweet free, with smart carbs and is very high in fiber and protein. This is our very best seller! It is recommended by Dr. Rosedale in his diet book for heart, diabetes and weight release. It has a sourdough flavor and is extremely high in fiber and chewy. This is a one-of-a-kind bread, as no one to our knowledge has ever made an all sprouted, cultured wheat, yeast and sweet free bread before.

12. Oat Bran Bread is lightly sweetened, lite in color and completely whole grain. It was especially designed for children who are transitioning off of the un-nourishing white flour breads.

13. Real Sourdough Rye Bread is wheat, yeast and sweet free. This is a true German/Russian, dense, wheat free rye. It is extremely delicious with flavorful cream chesses, olive oils and/or butter. A one-of-a-kind bread for hearty rye lovers.

14. Smart Carb #1 Bread is sprouted, high in protein, unsweetened and flavorful. This is our most popular loaf bread, chuck full of so much fiber and protein that it nets at only 1 carb. Best of all, it tastes so incredible that people fill their freezers with lots of them so they won't run out. This bread is totally unsweetened and is fabulous for diabetics, all weight release plans, and healthy heart plans.

15. Sourdough Lite Bread is whole grain, unsweetened and fat free. It is a complete protein sourdough that is covered with sesame seeds on the outside and is extremely flavorful.

15. Spelt Multi-Grain bread is wheat, yeast and sweet free. This bread is extremely flavorful and hearty. It is cultured by a sourdough process that enables the culture to predigest all the nutrients in the grains, making them more bio-available to your body.

16. Tofu Bread is wheat, yeast and sweet free. This bread is cultured with a rye culture and almost all the liquid is organic tofu of the highest quality, which makes it extremely high in complete protein. It is covered with sunflower seeds. Slice a ¼ inch thick and toast on high setting to bring out all the flavor.

17. Wonderful Bread is an everyday favorite with 6 seeds and 6 whole grains. This fresh ground organic bread is high in fiber and protein, light in color and whole grain. It even has fresh ground pinto beans in it for high complete protein and is covered in yummy seeds.

Buy Online Today:

Thursday, May 28, 2009



Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a "macronutrient," meaning that the body needs relatively large amounts of it. Vitamins and minerals, which are needed in only small quantities, are called "micronutrients." But, unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply.

You may assume you have to eat protein all day long. The truth is, we need less total protein that you might think. Most people need about 0.8 grams pf protein per kilogram of body weight each day. And, we could all benefit from getting more protein from better food sources.

Proteins are indispensable for growth and maintenance of every kind of cell in our body. Body development, replenishment of lost blood, healing of wounds and scars, replacement of dead cells, and hair and nail growth need proteins. Proteins in the form of enzymes, hormones and antibodies promote healthy metabolic and physiological processes, and boost our nervous and immune systems. In situations when fat and carbohydrate food sources are not providing adequate calories, proteins are degraded to generate the calories our body needs.

There are many health benefits of protein. Eating enough protein is essential to maintain a healthy body. If the body sustains an injury, such as a cut, protein helps with tissue repair. Along with carbohydrates, protein provides energy for the body which helps keep us from becoming fatigued. Another one of the benefits of protein is helping the body fight off illness and disease and keeping the immune system functioning properly.

The muscles in our bodies are partly made up of protein. One of the benefits of protein is maintaining healthy muscles. Protein also helps build skin, hair, nails and cartilage. Because the body does not store protein, it’s important to eat healthy protein everyday.

Proteins are considered incomplete or complete proteins. Complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids, while incomplete proteins do not. Good sources of complete proteins come from animals. For instance, eggs, milk, chicken and fish all contain complete proteins. Healthy food choices for incomplete proteins include, nuts, such as almonds, beans and whole grains.

Julian Bakery’s complete protein breads offer an easy way to be sure your body gets its daily dose of protein for optimal health by combining beans plus grains, or grains plus seeds, or beans plus seeds, or using grains that are complete proteins by themselves like amaranth and quinoa. Try any of their complete protein breads: 12 Grain Sandwich Bread, Dinner Bread, Real Sourdough Rye, Tofu or Bless Your Heart. You will be happy you did.



Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Sprouted grains, unlike processed grains, are extremely nutritious and provide a valuable part of any healthy diet. The health benefits of wheat, rice, and other grains are entirely dependent on how they are eaten.

Refined, processed grains are stripped of most of their nutrients. This is done in order to preserve the grain for a longer period of time. When making white flour, over half of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, and fiber are lost. Eating refined grains has negative health effects, and they can directly contribute to problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, hyperglycemia, and diabetes.

When grains, seeds and nuts are germinated, their nutritional content changes and, as they are generally not cooked, they retain their natural plant enzymes. These enzymes are beneficial for helping the digestion of the seeds and nuts in the digestive tract. As well as retaining the enzymes, they also retain the nutrients that would otherwise be destroyed by cooking. Sprouted grains, seeds and nuts also encourage the growth of good bacteria, help to keep the colon clean, and are high in protective antioxidants.

Sprouts, as well as being very digestible, are a good source of fiber and protein, and are high in vitamins and minerals. As an example, sunflower sprouts are high in vitamins A and C. Most seeds are high in phosphorus, which is important for alertness, increased mental abilities, and healthy bones and teeth. In its cooked form, wheat can cause mucus congestion, allergic reactions and constipation. In its sprouted form, the starch is converted to simple sugars, meaning that many wheat intolerant people are able to eat sprouted wheat bread without any problems.

Sprouted grain breads are significantly higher in protein, vitamins and enzymes, and the complex starches are converted into natural sugars. They are also low GI, so they are digested more slowly by the body, keeping the blood sugar levels stable longer, making people feel more satisfied. This leads to less snacking. It is interesting to note that the more highly processed a food is, the higher GI. A loaf of white bread is significantly higher GI than a loaf of sprouted grain bread.

Enjoy all of Julian Bakery’s sprouted grain breads for a healthier, more nutritious diet.

Enjoy, Samantha

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Are you getting bored of toast and sandwiches everyday? I can see how that could happen. However, I haven’t encountered a boring bread day since I was introduced to the Julian Bakery.

If you had all 17 of the Julian Bakery breads on hand, or even half of them, or even just 3 or 4 different loaves and/or rounds, you would never experience bread boredom. If you just stuck to toast and sandwiches and alternated the different breads daily, you would enjoy a different taste treat each time the toaster pops up or you put two slices together with your favorite sandwich makings in between. No two breads toast or taste the same. They are so individual in texture, taste and mix of ingredients that everyday will be like opening a new present full of mouth-watering pleasure.

But, toast and sandwiches are not the only way to serve Julian Bakery breads. One of my favorites is to make mini pizzas. I know the Julian Bakery website suggest using Bless Your Heart for just that purpose, but I have found that the Real Sourdough Rye and Manna from Heaven work just as well. OK, maybe mine are more like hot, open-faced sandwiches, but 6 to 1, half a dozen to the other….at any rate, they are soooo flavorful and filling – very good, quick and easy for parties too.

Even so, I still contend there is nothing like the rounds, especially Real Sourdough Rye and Manna from Heaven (are you seeing a pattern here? Yes, besides Smart Carb #1, those two have always been my all time favorites)…anyway…the rounds are an awesome addition to any Italian meal. Just slice thinly with a sharp, serrated knife, toast on high ‘til the edges are crispy and dunk in Italian Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar…YUM!

Just melting your favorite cheese on top of a slice of any of the Julian Bakery breads can make your day; or spread with Hommus.

Have you thought of cutting up any of the breads into little squares to use as croutons for your salads?

Of course the rounds all ready come unsliced, but you can order any of the loaves unsliced as well to use as a bowl for soup or spinach dip for any special occasion. Just scoop out the middle enough to hold your soup or dip and then tear up the part you scooped out into bite size pieces to use for dipping.

I’m sure the possibilities are endless, as with anything else, but just thought I would share some of my favorites with you. I hope they will put a smile on your face.

Enjoy, Samantha

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Dietary fiber intake provides many health benefits and reduces the risk for developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and certain gastrointestinal disorders. Increased consumption of dietary fiber also improves serum lipid concentrations, lowers blood pressure, improves blood glucose control in diabetes, promotes regularity, appears to improve immune function and last, but certainly not least, aids in WEIGHT LOSS.

Epidemiological studies indicate that dietary fiber intake, especially of whole grains or cereal fiber, protect against obesity. Studies recently reviewed and summarized indicate a strong negative association between fiber intake and obesity. The studies indicate that men and women with the highest level of fiber consumption have a relative lower risk for obesity compared to those with the lowest fiber intake level. Men and women with the highest level of fiber consumption had lower rates of weight gain and less obesity than those with the lowest level of fiber intake. Thus, these studies suggest that high-level fiber consumption reduces risk for gaining weight or developing obesity by approximately 30%. These studies included a wide diversity of ethnic/racial groups and appear to have wide applicability and strongly suggests that individuals who have higher levels of fiber consumption have lower weights than those with the lowest fiber intakes.

The role of dietary fiber in preventing and managing obesity in humans is strongly supported by epidemiological and physiological studies. Clinical trials using high fiber foods also provide support for the hypothesis that higher-level fiber consumption has a beneficial role in weight management.

The effects of a diet high in complex carbohydrates (and higher in dietary fiber) provides persuasive data that this type of diet promotes greater weight loss than a high simple-carbohydrate (and lower fiber) diet.

Therefore, you do not have to give up your favorite breads when dieting…nor should you. A wholesome, nutritious diet, whether for weight loss or a healthier lifestyle should include bread with sprouted whole grains that is high in fiber and protein and low in carbs…and, in my opinion, that bread should be Smart Carb #1.

Before I was introduced to Julian Bakery, I never ate bread…thinking it was too fattening. Now that I eat 2 slices of Smart Carb #1 a day, I have lost 7 pounds…go figure. Yeah…go figure all right; my figure is improving daily and I feel fantastic, energetic and have a lot less stress. Just try to take away my JB bread…NOT!

Enjoy, Samantha

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Good nutrition is essential for your children’s growth and development. Giving your children fiber-rich foods is easy to do with the help of Julian Bakery.

Julian Bakery offers bread that is especially designed for children who are transitioning off of the un-nourishing white flour breads. Oat Bran bread is lightly sweetened, lite in color and completely whole grain.

High fiber diets can help children maintain their weight and their health. Dietary fiber helps satisfy hunger and makes you feel full longer. It is a great way to help children with their weight management. One in every three children is overweight for their health.

How high fiber foods help your children with their weight management:
• Most high-fiber foods require more chewing, helping to satisfy hunger.
• High fiber foods are typically bulky, which fills up the stomach faster.
• Fiber slows down the absorption of nutrients, like sugar, avoiding increases in blood sugar.
• Most high fiber foods are calorie free.

Fibers are complex carbohydrates and are classified as soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water (such as, oats, fruits, vegetables, beans and barley); and insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water (such as, whole-wheat flour, wheat bran and some vegetables).

Foods that are high in fiber should contain 5 or more grams of fiber per serving according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Most children get half or less of the recommended amount of dietary fiber per day. Encouraging them to eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables can be a challenge.

Here are a few ideas to help increase your children’s fiber intake:
• Stock up on whole-grain breads, rolls, crackers and cereal.
• Make sandwiches with whole grain bread and pile on lettuce, tomatoes and even sprouts.
• Let them snack on mini vegetable pizzas made with Bless Your Heart bread. This bread is extremely flavorful with added onion and coated in sesame seeds. It is wheat, yeast and sweet free and a complete protein bread. It makes great mini pizzas sliced and baked in the oven with any creative topping.

Dietary fiber is important in childhood and may contribute to significant immediate and future health benefits such as the promotion of normal gastrointestinal function; prevention and treatment of childhood obesity; maintenance of normal blood glucose.

Children with higher intakes of dietary fiber also tend to consume diets that are more nutrient dense and are more likely to meet recommended daily intakes for key nutrients.

Your whole family will love Julian Bakery breads!

Enjoy, Samantha

Friday, May 22, 2009


If you are a lover of Julian Bakery breads and panic when you realize you are nearly out – or worse yet – you ARE out of your favorite breads – there is a way to keep your freezer full and save money at the same time.

Julian Bakery is presently offering a great shipping discount - “buy 6 or more loaves and receive shipping for a flat rate of $5 for UPS Ground or UPS 3 Day only.” That alone is a welcome savings, but you can save even more by combining your order with others.

If you are like many of the Julian Bakery customers, you want to share your incredible find of these nutritious, healthy and great tasting breads with your friends, family and neighbors. I even went so far as to make up a variety loaf for my neighbors. I took two slices of each of the breads I had on hand (Smart Carb #1, Apple Cinnamon Raisin, Wonderful Bread, Real Sourdough Rye and Manna from Heaven) and made up my own loaf for them, so they could try many different tastes and textures to find their own favorites.

Point being – you can easily save more money on shipping by ordering your favorite Julian Bakery breads along with your family, friends and neighbors and placing just one large order. Any order of 6 or more loaves only costs $5 to ship – that’s 6 or 100 or ??? – just $5 for shipping via UPS Ground or UPS 3 Day only.

When this shipping discount ends, you can still save on shipping costs by applying the same principle and ordering in quantity, because it is only the first loaf in an order that costs so much to ship. The remainder of the loaves in the same order is only $1 each to ship via UPS Ground, and $2 each to ship via UPS 3 Day.

So, share the gift of Julian Bakery breads by offering a taste to your friends, family and neighbors and you can all enjoy the cost savings on shipping by ordering together, especially during this $5 flat rate shipping fee on orders of 6 or more loaves.

Thank you for your continued support of this awesome bakery!!!

Enjoy, Samantha

The Julian Bakery Helping With Your Low Carb Diet

Julian Bakery wants to help you stay healthy while on a Low Carb Diet.

Following a Low Carb diet, watching your calorie intake, along with a sensible exercise routine offers wonderful health benefits along with weight loss. However, calories and nutrition are still essential.

Low Carb diets:

• Help you lose weight.

• Help stabilize your blood sugar level.

• Help raise your metabolic rate.

• A reduction in high-glycemic carbs, along with a regular exercise program, can reduce glucose intolerance, resulting in improved weight control and health.

• If saturated fat consumption is kept within limits, a Low Carb diet (remembering to watch your calorie intake) will help to improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, with the added benefit of reducing the risk of heart disease.

For successful, healthy weight loss, keep your metabolism up with sufficient calorie levels, sufficient high quality protein and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to allow yourself one or two servings of whole grain bread daily and don’t forget your calcium from low fat dairy products. Soon you will notice a healthy, steady loss of weight.

If you are looking for a Low Carb Bakery you can count on for Low Carb breads with unsurpassed quality, taste and freshness to compliment your diet plan, you cannot do any better than Julian Bakery. The Julian Bakery, in my opinion, is the best Low Carb Bakery ever, bar none.

There is no other bread on the market like SMART CARB #1 for the Low Carb dieter. The grains are organically grown and sprouted, and are free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. It offers the perfect amount of daily protein and fiber - 12g of protein and 12g of fiber per slice. With only 1 Net Carb per slice, carb-conscious dieters do not have to sacrifice their longing for bread.

While you’re at it, try SMART CARB #2 – CINNAMON ALMOND RAISIN. You will not want to be without either one, whether you are on a Low Carb diet or not.

Just because the Julian Bakery is the best Low Carb Bakery you will ever find, doesn’t mean that’s all they bake. Check out their full line of breads at You won’t be disappointed.

Enjoy, Samantha

PS: Being on my own version of a diet, I lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks, while consistently eating Smart Carb #1, Apple Cinnamon Raisin, and Manna from Heaven!!!! Yum…..

Goto our site:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Excerpted from

Wheat is one of the eight most common allergy-causing foods. While wheat allergy most often affects children, it can also occur in adults. Allergy symptoms differ from person to person and generally occur a few minutes to a few hours after wheat’s been ingested.

In some people, allergic reactions occur when exercising after eating wheat or from inhaled flour in the workplace (sometimes called bakers’ asthma).

If you or your child has a reaction to wheat, tell your doctor about it, no matter how mild the reaction may have been. Tests can help confirm a wheat allergy, so you can take steps to avoid future and potentially worse reactions.

There are four different proteins in wheat that can cause allergies: albumin, globulin, gliadin and gluten. If you have a reaction to gluten, which is found in wheat and other grains, such as oats, barley and rye, you may have gluten intolerance or celiac disease, rather than a wheat allergy.

Signs and symptoms of wheat allergy can include:
• Swelling, itching or irritation of the mouth or throat
• Hives or skin irritation
• Nasal congestion
• Airway inflammation
• Gastrointestinal symptoms such as cramps, nausea and vomiting

Some people have a severe reaction to wheat called anaphylaxis. This is a medical emergency and requires treatment with an epinephrine (adrenaline) shot and a trip to the emergency room. Signs and symptoms start within seconds to two hours after eating wheat and can include:
• Constriction of airways, including a swollen throat or a lump in your throat that makes it difficult to breathe
• Shock, with a severe drop in blood pressure
• Rapid pulse
• Dizziness, lightheadedness or loss of consciousness

Julian Bakery offers a simple solution for those with a wheat allergy to still enjoy the taste, texture and versatility of breads. Choose from among their long list of wheat free breads: Manna from Heaven, Mama Bear, Dinner, Bean, Bible Recipe, Pure & Simple Kamut, Real Sourdough Rye, Bless Your Heart, Tofu and Spelt Multi-Grain.

Enjoy, Samantha

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How The Julian Bakery Is Helping Celiacs With- Gluten Free Breads

Excerpted from

Celiac Disease is a digestive disorder. People who have Celiac Disease have problems eating gluten, a protein found in cereal grains, such as wheat, rye, and barley. Flour and other products of wheat also contain gluten. Many soups, sauces, cold cuts, and gravy contain gluten as well, so it's important to read food labels.

When people with Celiac Disease eat gluten, a response is triggered by the body’s immune system that damages the lining of the small intestine. Over time, this interferes with the absorption of nutrients and can lead to a wide range of serious problems. Because of this, people with Celiac Disease must avoid eating anything that contains gluten.

Some of the symptoms of Celiac Disease are like those of many other digestive disorders. For this reason, people with Celiac Disease often go undiagnosed and untreated for many years. It’s estimated that nearly 3 million Americans have the disease, but only about 100,000 are diagnosed. Celiac Disease runs in families and occurs in both children and adults.

Most people with Celiac Disease have one or more of the following symptoms, although some people don’t notice any symptoms. Please confer with your doctor if you have any concerns.

• Intestinal gas, bloating, and abdominal cramping
• Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
• Fatty stools
• Constipation
• Anemia
• Weight loss
• Slowed growth in children
• Osteoporosis (brittle bones)
• Itchy, bumpy skin rash
• Infertility
• Anorexia
• Vitamin deficiencies
• Delayed puberty
• Inflammatory bowel disease
• Irritable bowel disorder

For most people, eating a gluten-free diet will stop symptoms, heal existing intestinal damage, and prevent further damage.

How can Julian Bakery help Celiacs? By offering Gluten-Free breads that will round out your diet…no need to sacrifice your bread cravings.

The Bean Bread is sweetened with honey and yeast risen. It is very high in protein and fiber and tastes fantastic.

The Southern Corn Bread is fresh stone ground corn, brown rice, millet, eggs, buttermilk, honey, yeast, guar gum and sea salt for a taste treat you will love.

Enjoy, Samantha

Saturday, May 9, 2009


How would you know if you have Diabetes?

According to Debra Manzella, R.N., Health’s Disease and Condition content – December 15, 2008

Many of the signs of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes are similar. In both, there is too much glucose in the blood and not enough in the cells of your body. High glucose levels in Type 1 are due to the lack of insulin, because insulin-producing cells have been destroyed. Type 2 occurs when the body’s cells become resistant to insulin that is being produced. Either way, your cells aren’t getting the glucose they need, and your body lets you know by giving you the following signs and symptoms.

Frequent Urination. Urination becomes more frequent when there is too much glucose in the blood. If insulin is nonexistent or ineffective, the kidneys can’t filter glucose back to the blood. They become overwhelmed and try to draw extra water out of the blood to dilute the glucose. This keeps your bladder full and keeps you running to the bathroom.

Unquenchable Thirst. If it feels like you can’t get enough water and you’re drinking much more than usual, it could be a sign of Diabetes, especially if it seems to go hand in hand with frequent urination. If your body is pulling extra water out of your blood and you’re running to the bathroom more, you will become dehydrated and feel the need to drink more.

Loss of Weight Without Trying. This symptom is more noticeable with Type 1 Diabetes. In Type 1, the pancreas stops making insulin, possibly due to viral attack on pancreas cells or because an autoimmune response makes the body attack the insulin producing cells. The body desperately looks for an energy source, because the cells aren’t getting glucose. It starts to break down muscle tissue and fat for energy. Type 2 happens gradually, with increasing insulin resistance, so weight loss is not as noticeable.

Weakness and Fatigue. Glucose from the food we eat travels into the bloodstream where insulin is supposed to help it transition into our cells. The cells use it to produce energy. If the insulin isn’t there or the cells don’t react, then the glucose stays outside the cells in the bloodstream. The cells become energy starved and you feel tired and rundown.

Tingling or Numbness in Hands, Legs and Feet. This symptom is called neuropathy. It occurs gradually over time as consistently high glucose in the blood damages the nervous system, particularly the extremities. Type 2 Diabetes is a gradual onset, and people are often not aware they have it. Blood sugar might have been high for more than a few years before a diagnosis is made. Nerve damage can happen with or without our knowledge. Neuropathy can often improve when tighter blood glucose control is achieved.

Excerpted from the Diabetes Diet: Dr. Bernstein’s Low-Carbohydrate Solution, by Richard K. Bernstein, M.D., the lower the amount of fast-acting or concentrated carbohydrate you eat, the less significant is the increase of your blood sugar; thus, the less insulin you will need to stabilize blood sugar.

How can Julian Bakery help Diabetics? By offering one of the foods so often missed by Diabetics on a Diabetic diet - quality, high fiber, low carbohydrate breads. There is no need to sacrifice your love for bread. Try Julian Bakery’s Manna from Heaven and Smart Carb #1.

Enjoy, Samantha

If you notice any of the signs above, schedule an appointment with your doctor, who will be able to tell you if there is a reason for concern.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Quality is the heart of the Julian Bakery. Great care is taken to select wholesome, chemical free grains, seeds and nuts for stone grinding and in conjunction with a slow culturing process to provide the customer with the best benefits bread can offer, full of amino acids and complex carbohydrates.

Amaranth is related to the pigweed or lamb’s quarters. There is no solid difference between Amaranth grown for its leaves (vegetable) and the seeds (grain). Amaranth seeds contain protein that is unusually complex for plant sources. Several studies have shown that Amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those with cardio vascular disease and hypertension. Regular consumption may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving antioxidants.

Kamut, the Ancient Grain, is a relative of modern Durum Wheat. It can be substituted for common wheat, due to its superior taste and nutrition. Kamut has a rich, buttery flavor and is higher in protein and many minerals (especially selenium, zinc, and magnesium) than other wheat products. It is easily digestible.

Flax Seeds. There are two basic varieties of Flax Seeds – brown and yellow or golden. Flax Seeds contain high amounts of lignans (a group of chemical compounds) and omega 3 fatty acids. Lignans may be of benefit to the heart and may possess anti-cancer properties. Flax may also help the severity of diabetes by stabilizing levels of blood sugar.

Millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains. As they are not closely related to wheat, they are appropriate for those with wheat intolerances. Millets are a major food source in arid and semi arid regions around the world.

Oat is a species of cereal grains. It is rolled or crushed into oatmeal or ground into fine oat flour. It is a health food, with cholesterol-lowering properties. It contains more soluble fiber than any other grain. Oat protein is nearly equivalent in quality to soy protein, which has been shown by the World Health Organization to be equal to meat, milk and egg protein.

Quinoa is a species of goosefoot (chenopodium) and is a grain-like crop grown for its seeds. It is not a true cereal or grain, as it is not a grass. Quinoa is closely related to beets, spinach and tumbleweeds. It is eaten as a leaf vegetable, much like Amaranth. Quinoa is highly valued for its protein content, making it a healthy choice for vegetarians and vegans. Unlike wheat or rice, Quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids, making it an unusual complete protein. It is a good source of fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. It is gluten-free and easy to digest.

Rye is a grass grown as a grain. It is closely related to barley and wheat. Rye is a cereal and should not be confused with ryegrass. Rye has a lower gluten content than wheat flour and contains a higher proportion of soluble fiber.

Spelt is a nutritious ancient grain with a nut-like flavor. The texture is slightly crunchy. Spelt is an excellent source of vitamin B2, a very good source of manganese and a good source of niacin, thiamin and copper.

Enjoy, Samantha

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



All of Julian Bakery’s breads are extremely high in fiber, especially Manna from Heaven, which is a great sculpt and cleanse bread, perfect for shaping your stomach.

Fiber is comprised of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is used by the body for nutrition. Insoluble fiber is not digestible.

If you are on a low-fat diet, ensuring you are getting enough soluble fiber can help reduce your risk of heart disease. Fiber is also important for normal bowel function and can curb your appetite.

Julian Bakery’s Sourdough, yeast-free breads are cultured, which makes them easier to digest, contributing to the friendly flora of our intestines. They are a low stress food, providing predigested released nutrients from the culturing process.

The sprouted grains of Manna from Heaven, Smart Carb #1 and Cinnamon Almond Raisin offer higher quality proteins and nutrients. Sprouts are highly digestible and have a rich supply of enzymes. This quality makes them easily assimilated and metabolized by the body.

The ground flax seed found in the Manna from Heaven, Smart Carb #1, Cinnamon Almond Raisin, Wonderful and Mama Bear breads offer the value of being high in Omega 3 and is anti-inflammatory.

Freshly stone ground whole grains provide a natural whole food for vibrant health. Grinding organic grains in a stone mill prior to baking prevents rancid flour, while achieving more flavor and nutrition.

Combining flours from different grains enhances taste, texture and nutritional content.

I would like to share a couple testimonials with you…

“Your Smart Carb bread is indescribably delicious! My husband and I are so hooked on this bread that we panic when we only have one loaf remaining in the freezer. Thank you for such a wonderful, wholesome product. Rest assured, we are loyal customers forever!”
Dana and Jim

“I adore your breads. I think if more people ate the high protein, healthy carbohydrate breads you make, they would be much healthier, much trimmer and have so much more energy. I have low blood sugar, and I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to have such tasty bread that doesn’t increase my carbo cravings, and leaves me satisfied. You can quote me on that! And please keep up the good work.”
All best, Evelyn

Enjoy, Samantha

Julian Bakery Website (Click Here)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

History of The Julian Bakery

If this is your introduction to the Julian Bakery, you’re in for a real treat – a taste treat of breads that is.

The Julian Bakery began 20 years ago in the quaint, historical town of Julian, in the mountains above San Diego, California. An expansion led the business to the seaside community of La Jolla, California, still in the county of San Diego.

Owner and nutritionist, Barbara Squier, creates unbelievable breads; breads you can’t even imagine exist. OK, that’s how I felt when I was first introduced to Barbara and her breads, way back when. I had never seen such beautiful loaves, or smelled such incredible aromas; nor did I know bread could even weigh so much. I can’t tell you how many customers have told me they feel full after eating just one slice.

The bakery’s customers love the distinct taste of the variety of different grains, while enjoying the health benefits of breads made without preservatives or synthetic chemicals.

There are so many flavors and textures from which to choose, your taste buds will just scream, “THANK YOU!” There is something for most everyone: celiacs, diabetics, low carb dieters, vegetarians, vegans, children, and even the most discriminating gourmets. Anyone who is looking for marvelous, healthy, innovative and delicious breads will be ecstatic they found the Julian Bakery.

There are 1 ½ lb. sliced loaves and 1 lb. unsliced rounds, all chock-full of natural, organic and healthy ingredients. There are Low Carb, Wheat Free, Yeast Free, Sweet Free, Gluten Free breads to suit your individual needs.

JB’s most popular breads are the Manna from Heaven, recommended for a healthy heart, diabetes and weight release by Dr. Rosedale in his diet book, and Smart Carb #1, with a net 1 carb per slice, also recommended by Dr. Rosedale.

Finding the Julian Bakery might just change the way you view eating and the way you plan your meals, especially if you have had to go without bread for so long, because you could not find any that suited your needs. For me? I find the Apple Cinnamon Raisin suits my needs for French toast just fine….and I could eat half a round of Real Sourdough Rye dunked in olive oil and vinegar, along with a home cooked Italian meal…but that’s just me.

Stay tuned…I will be giving you loads of information on the health benefits of each bread and its ingredients, along with recipe ideas and much more in the near future.

Enjoy, Samantha